• Location – is the property in a location you’d like? Is there parking or public transport nearby? Where’s the nearest shop?
  • Reviews and ratings – always check past guests reviews and ratings so you can get a sense of what the property will be like while you stay.
  • Host – a good host will always communicate promptly, answering questions clearly and being polite before, during and after your stay.
  • Rules – make sure you always review and adhere to any house rules the host has lined out, breaking this may incur extra charges.
  • Amenities – confirm that the listed has the essential amenities you need such as Wi-Fi, electric, heating and water. Also check what else they offer as you don’t want to pack things and then find they are already at the property.
  • Photos and description – carefully review the photos and description so you know what to expect from the property and whether it is suitable for you. If you’re unsure then please ask!
  • Price and additional costs – be aware of the total cost of your stay and whether you have incurred any additional charges such as having an extra airbed put up. If you are unsure always communicate with your host so you’re both on the same page!
  • Cancelation policy – make sure you are aware of the cancellation policy before completing your booking in case your plans change
  • Check in/out policy – carefully review your check in and out time. You don’t want to arrive at the property 5 hours before you’re allowed to enter or be woken up by the cleaner on the last day! There may also be things you host has asked you to do before you leave, not doing these may incur charges. Some hosts can be flexible but its always best to check before booking.
  • Accessibility – if you have specific needs, such as wheelchair access, make sure you contact the host regarding this so they can ensure that they can accommodate you properly
  • Emergency contacts – whenever you’re going away it is a good idea to have a list of emergency contacts such as your hosts contacts, the nearest hospital and the emergency services